
As GMS, we provide imports and entry of goods and products abroad in line with the demands of our partners. In the import process, he personally takes part in the supply of products and goods for our partners as GMS. It receives offers from many countries and suppliers for its demands. We know our duty to assist in choosing the right product and the right country.

As GMS, we create a product portfolio for export to our customers who are produced domestically but then reside in other countries. We provide fast and accurate results to the demands of our foreign customers in the Turkish market. As GMS, we will continue to be your guide in import and export transactions with our knowledge and experience.

Big things start with small steps!

Turkey GMS

  • Fenerbahçe mah. Fener Kalamış Caddesi Number 55 Kadıköy / İstanbul

  • Oficity Plaza Kizlarik Mah. 2754 st. No:1/504 Office No: 90 Muratpasa/Antalya

  • Opposite Oman Electricity Building 2nd Floor Flat No: 206 Almowaleh, Muscat/Sultane of Oman